Since version 2.3.0 there is builtin optional internationalization support via SMTP 8BITMIME and SMTPUTF8 extension described in RFC6152 and RFC6531.

The extensions are disabled by default and could be enabled by:

# enable internationalization SMTP extensions
internationalization_extensions: true

When enabled and sender is using the 8BITMIME and SMTPUTF8 capabilities, the given encoding information about body and message encoding are set by MAIL FROM command. The encodings are read by MidiSmtpServer and published at context vars ctx[:envelope][:encoding_body] and ctx[:envelope][:encoding_utf8].

Possible values for ctx[:envelope][:encoding_body] are:

  1. "" (default, not set by client)
  2. "7bit" (strictly 7bit)
  3. "8bitmime" (strictly 8bit)

Possible values for ctx[:envelope][:encoding_utf8] are:

  1. "" (default, not set by client)
  2. "utf8" (utf-8 is enabled for headers and body)

Even when "8bitmime" was set, you have to decide the correct encoding like utf-8 or iso-8859-1 etc. If also "utf8" was set, then encoding should be utf-8.