
Installation of MidiSmtpServer library is pretty standard:

MidiSmtpServer is packaged as a RubyGem so that you can easily install it by entering following at your command line:

$ gem install midi-smtp-server

If you'd rather install MidiSmtpServer using bundler, you may require it in your Gemfile:

gem 'midi-smtp-server', '~> 3.1.2'

In case that you want to enable TLS support or run tests, you may have to add also the openssl gem to your environment:

$ gem install openssl

or your Gemfile:

gem 'openssl', '>= 2.1.0'


We suggest everybody using MidiSmtpServer to switch at least to latest 2.3.y. or best to latest 3.x. The update is painless and if already using some 2.x release, it's mostly full compatible to your existing source codes.


Starting with release 2.3.0 the third (3rd) initialize argument has changed its name from max_connections to max_processings. This was already the long existing origin intent of that argument and is now also reflected by its naming.